狮子、毒蛇和鳄鱼 后篇
Hang in there, Congo! | CongoStory 如果不能翻墙可以点击下面这个链接Hang in there, Congo! | CongoStory
In fact, research reveals that the painting is called “the difficulties of life” in the art world, and it’s a nationwide Congolese staple. You can see this scene painted in a lot of different styles, but always with these same elements and characters—always telling the same, recognizable tale. It’s been done by very famous Congolese artists from the Western region, like Ndabagera, whose copy I have playfully defaced with commentary above, or by less-well-known artists, like Materesi, the local artist in the rural area of Eastern Congo where I grew up, pictured working here in the late 80s.
比如上面summer story里面的那幅画的作者Steven Mkumba,又做了另外一幅类似的画(感觉是因为跳槽到另外一个公司),叫做No Good Choices!